Register as an employee at AbsoluteYOU
Enter your details below and open your free account at AbsoluteYOU to access our digital platform. This way, you can consult all your payroll documents with a thumbs-up. Need legal support? You can count on a consultant throughout your employment. At AbsoluteYOU, we have an eye and ear for you.
After logging in, you can register yourself.
Job openings
Will you join our payrolling team?
Are you an independent go-getter with a listening ear for entrepreneurs? Do you have a customer-oriented mindset and do you value clear communication? Then you are perfect for the dynamic AbsoluteYOU team. Together we show SMEs the advantages of flexible payrolling.
View our vacancies here
Don't see openings that you're looking for?
Keep in touch with us with your CV and why you’re a good fit and we’ll figure out how we can make you a part of this.
Mail us at payroll@absoluteyou.be