As a student, it is always nice to earn some extra money during your studies. Fortunately, in Belgium there are several opportunities to work as a job student. For example, you can work in the hospitality industry, at a supermarket, in a store or even as a vacation job abroad.

As a job student, you may work 600 hours annually at reduced social contributions. That amounts to about 78.9 full working days of 7.6 hours. Here, as a student, you only pay a solidarity contribution of 2.71% of your gross salary. In addition, as a student, you can also perform 190 hours of association work, but it is important to respect the legal limits.

However, it is important to note that since 2019, there are differences between the different regions in Belgium. If you live in Flanders, you may work unlimited hours as long as you do not work more than 600 hours per calendar year. The limit of working a maximum of 240 hours per quarter falls away.

If you live in Brussels or Wallonia, you may not work more than 240 hours per quarter or you will lose your child benefit. However, this rule does not apply during the summer months (July, August and September), except in the year you finish your studies.

Want to know how many hours you can still work as a job student? Then you can easily check this via the student@work website. This way, you can earn extra income correctly without getting into trouble with the law.

As a job student, it is therefore important to respect the legal limits and to be aware of the differences between the various regions in Belgium. This way, you can safely earn some extra money during your studies and support yourself financially.

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